One Upon a Time Pedicabs

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You Dream It. We Create It.

**Not for sale**

Designed for Once Upon a Time fans to feel like they are in the show! Pedicabs inspired by the epic Tv show by abc called One Upon a Time.

We can be part of any targeted pedicab advertising campaign during conventions, corporate meetings, weddings or other special events around a venue of your choice.

Whether you want to advertise for a few days, a week, or even months, we can customize a campaign based on your company’s specific needs. San Diego VIP pedicabs offer your company exposure for 8-12 hours a day on one or many pedicabs, depending on your needs and budget. Your ad will be seen by thousands of people all over a highly populated area of your choice every day. There’s no other form of advertising that offers such wide exposure for such low prices.


Please contact for price information: (619) 228-3632